German Voice Over share
Es ist die zweite Kampagne der Berliner Marke Share, der ich als Sprecherin meine Stimme leiten durfte. Share vertreibt Produkte auf Basis des 1+1 Prinzips. Das beudeutet: Für jedes gekaufte Produkt spendet Share das gleiche Produkt an benachteiligte Menschen in Deutschland. Neben Kosmetik und Lebensmitteln verkauft Share nun auch Mode - stylish und sozial! So kann man beim Kauf der Mützen und Schals auch noch etwas Gutes tun. Ich bin selbst treue Share-Kundin und freue mich umso mehr, der Marke nun erneut meine Stimme zu geben. Die Produktionsfirma hinter dem neuen Spot ist sind die kreativen Jungs und Mädels der Hey Na! GmbH. Und hinter jeder erfolgreichen Produktion steckt auch immer eine „Beste Crew“. Beim Dreh für share bestand diese aus: CREW Regie: Leo Gammler DOP: Peter Bromme CD: Friedrich Spielhagen EP: Stephan Beyschlag EP/AL: Björn Mager Producer: Sophia Schneider PA: Lukasz Kus 1st AC: Joachim "Joko" Neumann Gaffer: Leo Kairat Bestboy: Domenic Heim Beleuchter: Rainer Wessels Grip: Dennis Klemba Grip Assistenz: Oyaro Florian Baubühne: Settime Bühnentechnik Styling: Theresa Gross Styling Assistenz: Maria Madhzarova Set Design: Anne Lewald Set Design Assistenz: Noura Gmelin Set Design Assistenz: Paul Maudanz Kränze: Kopflegenden HUM: Marie-Jo Wieske HUM Assistenz: Fabienne Hoppe HUM Assistenz: Darja Crainiucenco Hygiene: Monic Acconcia BTS: Nils Hansen Runner: Fee Nee POSTPRODUCTION Editor: Björn Mager Color Grading: Franziska Heinemann VoiceOver: Paulina Weiner VO Recording: Tonfabrik Audio Productions Sound Designer: Joh Weisgerber Monojo Music CAST Laura Grübler Christin Jung Emilia Seitz Hannah Ruthel Zazou Lina Jeschonnek Muriel Buchheim Johanna Rohr Pia Germann Sabina Huang Giole Franchini Dominik Krüger Ilaria Sala Nicholas Rose Martin Knops Miles Berthel Alexandrine Justus Naethler Jördis Bethge Petra Schneider Max (Kind)
German Voice OverGerman Dubbing Actress Dubbing – Character: Tails/Nine
Since 2019, I've been part of the Sonic universe—or more precisely, the German voice actor ensemble surrounding the blue hedgehog. I voice Tails in all the games, movies, and the Netflix series Sonic Prime. In Sonic Prime, Sonic’s best friend Tails shows a different side of himself—in cautious terms: he might be a bit grumpier than usual. Of course, the recording sessions at Interopa were still incredibly fun. You can watch the first episode of the third season for free on YouTube here.
German Dubbing ActressPaulina Weiner Homestudio Travel Video
I've been doing recordings for Rhomberg Reisen for years now. All recordings are done in my home studio with own euipment.
Paulina Weiner HomestudioFemale German Voice Artist heycar
For the current heycar campaign, I was and still am the german voice-talent. Together with Try No Agency, heycar shows in a humorous way how you can buy a car without your head spinning. This idea is conveyed in various 10-second 15-second programs that run on DMAX, Eurosport, MTV, Sky, Tele 5 and TNT, among others. More stations will follow. The voice-over was recorded at Tonfabrik recording studio in Berlin.
Female German Voice ArtistGerman Voice-over Disney Channel
I have voiced this cinema and TV spot for the Disney Channel and Disney Junior "Mitmachkino" in collaboration with Dyrdee Media. The campaign will be broadcasted on TV, cinema, internet, and radio
German Voice-overGerman Voice-over Artist Fahrschule Mathias
I recorded this cinema commercial for the Fahrschule Mathias on behalf of the film-maker and audio engineer Peter Kuhtz. This job was arranged via the Voicebase voice artist portal. I have completed several projects with Peter Kuhtz and it’s always great fun to see what he is planning next.
German Voice-over ArtistGerman Voice-Over DZ HYP
This recruiting film for DZ HYP was recorded in the Mixwerk recording studio in Berlin. I recorded the german voice-over of a young trainee.
German Voice-OverGerman voice artist Browser Ballett „Dick Pics“
Responsible for this video is the channel "Bohemian Browser Ballett". In 2019, the collective working with Schlecky Silberstein was awarded the Grimme Prize in the category Children and Youth. Well deserved, in my opinion. This makes me even happier to have been employed regularly for several years now as voice artist for the group. Bohemian Browser Ballett is, by the way, commissioned by the public service channel "funk". This contribution was recorded at the voice agency Speaker Search.
German voice artistGerman Voice artist Was mit Radio
This spot formed part of a radio campaign for "Was mit Radio". The campaign promoted the first Radio Casting Day of the private station in Saxony together with the Radiozentrale, the Sächsische Landesmedienanstalt [State of Saxony Media Office], the SAEK station and radio consultants Yvonne Malak and Marina Riester. In this spot I took on the part of an overexcited influencer. The commercial was recorded at Krane & Rabe in Berlin.
German Voice artistGerman Voice Actress United Nations – Weischer Media
I recorded this case film for Weischer.Media on behalf of Videobeat Networks. This award-winning film introduces the United Nations #spreadyourgoals2030 campaign. Nilam Farooq appears in the video to give a testimonial. I recorded the sound for this film in my home studio.
German Voice ActressGerman Voice-Actor Commercial Tchibo Voice Tchibo
The voice recordings for this Tchibo commercial for the product "Qbo" were created in collaboration with Hello Robin and the sound studio Krane and Rabe.
German Voice-Actor Commercial Tchibo VoiceGerman Voice-Actress Qlick Kredit
I provided the voice for this commercial for Qlick. The recordings took place at Krane & Rabe Audiodesign. The creative producer was Susanna Ohlsen. The Qlick campaign can be seen both: online and on TV.
German Voice-ActressGerman Voice Actor Deichmann
For this new Deichmann fashion campaign I did the dubbing for the "victim". The campaign is entitled: "Love the shoe - and the price" and was created in collaboration with Jung von Matt SAGA. The spot was recorded at Not a Machine in Berlin.
German Voice ActorGerman Voice artist Löwenplay Casino
This radio promotion was produced for the "Löwenplay Casino". The sport was recorded at Krane & Rabe.
German Voice artistGerman Voice artist Off-screen voice Report Satire Parody Browser Ballett „Datensammler“
I recorded the online video "Datensammeln im Müllcontainer" [Data Collection in a Trashcan] for Bohemian Browser Ballett in the sound studio of the voice agency Speaker Search. In 2019, the collective working with Schlecky Silberstein even won the Grimme Prize [German television award] in the Children and Youth category. The format was commissioned by the public service web channel "funk".
German Voice artist Off-screen voice Report Satire ParodyGerman Voice Artist Voice-Actress Dennis & Kim – quarrel
Here you can listen to a short extract from the radio play "Dennis & Kim". The story was recorded on behalf of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [Federal Center for Political Education]. The voice artists you can hear are Lenn Kudrjawizki, Robert Speidel, Anna Katharina Bertus, Daniel Zimmermann, Thomas Nicolai, Emma Henrici, Eleonore Schöttler, Pieter Warmuth and Noemi Dabrowski. Andreas Roth was responsible for the sound design. Marcus Weber was the voice director, also responsible for the script together with Monika Ahrens. The radio play was a studio production by helix audiodesign. Editing: Cornelius Strobel, bpb
German Voice Artist Voice-ActressGerman Voice-Talent Fire Department Bremen Seehausen
This corporate film was produced for the Bremen Seehafen volunteer fire department. On the one hand, it intends to provide information about the work of the voluntary fire brigade and, on the other hand, to recruit new members. The production company behind this online video is called "videographers". The voice-over was recorded at the voice agency and recording studio Stimmgerecht.
German Voice-TalentGerman Voice artist GEWOBA City Thriatlon
The film production company "Die Videographen" produced this corporate clip on the occasion of the GEWOBA City Triathlon 2020. This german voice-over was recorded in the recording studio of the voice-actor agency in Berlin. Directed by Jannis Krenke and Ismael Meisinger from the videographers.
German Voice artistVoice artist Voice agency Instruction video Explanatory film Explanatory video E-learning Brother Brother
This is one of six videos for which I did the voice recording for Brother. The recordings took place in my home studio following an English language model. This job was managed by my Norwegian voice agency, Online Voices, with whom I have completed many projects over the past few years.
Voice artist Voice agency Instruction video Explanatory film Explanatory video E-learning BrotherGerman Voice artist Off-screen voice Off-screen voice artist television Boulevard Bohemian Browser Ballett „Fett Swap Show“
I recorded the sound for the online video "Fett Swap Show" for Bohemian Browser Ballett, working in the studio of the voice agency Speaker Search. In 2019, the collective working with Schlecky Silberstein even won the Grimme Prize [German television award] in the Children and Youth category. The format was commissioned by the public service web channel "funk".
German Voice artist Off-screen voice Off-screen voice artist television BoulevardCorporate film video german Voice-over Berlin Professional Imageclip Onlinefilm ANKER Kassensysteme
Image clip Online film ANKER Kassensysteme I recorded the voice-over for the image film for the Bielefeld-based company Anker Kassensysteme in the sound studio of the voice agency Speaker Search. The project was supervised by the "Agentur Gretchen" film and video production company.
Corporate film video german Voice-over Berlin Professional Imageclip OnlinefilmGerman Voice-Over Netflix
"Should I watch the barbarians" is a short series that the streaming service Netflix plays on its social media channels. The clips summarize the plot of a new Netflix series to make it easier for viewers to decide what to watch next. I've done the german voice-over for the first episode of the format, which is about the Netflix original "Barbarians". Editor: Lia Haubner
German Voice-OverGerman Voice artist Destination video Home studio Travel video Rhomberg Reisen Rhomberg Reisen
Voice artist Destination video Home studio Travel video Rhomberg Reisen I recorded this destination film commissioned by David Spettel for the travel agency Rhomberg Reisen. I recorded the voice-over in my own studio.
German Voice artist Destination video Home studio Travel video Rhomberg ReisenVoice artist Instruction video Cartoon Animation Anime Cartoon film Lipsync Mind TV
I took on the part of the company mascot for mindTV's animated instruction film. The voice-over was recorded in my own studio.
Voice artist Instruction video Cartoon Animation Anime Cartoon film LipsyncGermanVoice artist Homestudio recruiting MVV
This recruiting video is one of many videos which I have already recorded for MVV. The production company behind it was Northwind Visuals. The off-screen voice was recorded in my home studio.
GermanVoice artist Homestudio recruitingGerman Voice artist Grand Elysee Hamburg
This radio spot was produced for the "Grand Elysee Hotel" in Hamburg. The commercial was recorded at Krane & Rabe in Berlin.
German Voice artistGerman Voice artist FZ Borstel
This radio promotion was produced for FZ Borstel, the research institute for respiratory diseases. I was given the microphone to record a testimonial. The spot was recorded at Krane & Rabe.
German Voice artistGerman Voice artist Radio Sonne Mond Sterne Festival
This commercial was produced for the Sonne Mond Sterne Festival. The spot was recorded at Krane & Rabe.
German Voice artist RadioVoice artist Cartoon Animation Anime MIG3 – Auf der Suche nach dem blauen Affen
Here you can listen to a short extract from the radio lay "MIG3 - Auf der Suche nach dem blauen Affen" [Looking for the Blue Monkey"] by Wolfy Office. I took the part of "Kaffee". The author of the radio play is Kim Jens Witzenleiter.
Voice artist Cartoon Animation AnimeGerman Voice artist Radio play Actress Dialogue Dubbing artists Dennis & Kim – In Hospital
Here you can listen to a short extract from the radio play "Dennis & Kim". The story was recorded on behalf of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [Federal Center for Political Education]. The voice artists you can hear are Lenn Kudrjawizki, Robert Speidel, Anna Katharina Bertus, Daniel Zimmermann, Thomas Nicolai, Emma Henrici, Eleonore Schöttler, Pieter Warmuth and Noemi Dabrowski. Andreas Roth was responsible for the sound design. Marcus Weber was the voice director, also responsible for the script together with Monika Ahrens. The radio play was a studio production by helix audiodesign. Editing: Cornelius Strobel, bpb
German Voice artist Radio play Actress Dialogue Dubbing artists